Johnson Blog

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Our Pretty Little Dancer

This year was Jessilyn's first year in dance. She took tap/ballet at an awesome Christian fine arts studio. Three little church friends were in class with her, so as you can imagine, they had some fun! Her recital was May 1. Pops, MiMi, Marlie, and Gran all came down to watch her performance. We had a great weekend.

I never took dance, so the whole recital thing was very new to me. Luckily I have a good friend who is a pro at this kind of thing, so she prepped me. She told me I had to curl Jessilyn's hair, buy her makeup, glitter, and flowers for the recital. Good thing for friends like Les!

For me, the day was VERY stressful! We had to be at dress rehearsal at 9:00 in the morning, left there, slammed down some lunch with the fam, went to the hotel to get ready (b/c our house was being shown all afternoon), then ran back for the performance. Let's just say I was definitely ready for a glass of wine at dinner that night!

The day was a completely different story for Little Miss Spotlight!
She loved every. single. minute.
She loved the makeup.
She loved the hair.
She loved the costumes.
She loved the stage, and she especially loved the curtain!
She loved having an audience.
She loved the pictures.

That night as I was tucking her into bed, I asked her what she thought about her first recital. Her response:
" It was perfect! I wanna dance foREveR!!"

...That's what I was afraid of...

In curlers the night before

My little fairy princess at rehearsal (pre-make-up)

Coloring in the dressing room

Tap pictures

Maddie, Skyler, Jessilyn, and Ella Kate

Jess, Maddie, and Ella

During the ballet performance
Tap performance

With her flowers after the recital..all smiles!

1 comment:

Laurie Mann said...

Well it is so good to hear all about you guys!!! I had almost given up on your blog haha. Hope you guys are doing ok!!! I can not believe how big the girls have gotten!!!!!!!!