Today at MOPS, the girls learned about David and Goliath. In the car, Jessilyn was looking at her papers and pretending to be the teacher. What she said was too funny...
Jessilyn: "OK class, let's tell the story of David and Goliath one more time to help us remember. It is very important to remember not to throw rocks at anyone except giants and mean people."
Do you think she got the point of the lesson?
P.S.-I was so excited yesterday about potty training. The part I forgot: last night Reese got out of bed at least five times. Everytime I would raise my voice and threaten her with a spanking if she got up again, she would get her classic little Reese smile (those of you who know her know just the smile I'm talking about), and say in a sheepinsh little voice, "Reese potty." They learn so quickly how to manipulate, don't they?
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago